Racist policies killed Malaysia!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

After these few days of exposure to chaotic situation in assembly of Perak, suddenly I pop up with this thinking.

I wonder how the situation in Malaysia which is consists of multi-racial during 1957... Did different races fight with each others? Did different races knew each others? Did different races understood each others? Caring, tolerating each others, peaceful.... I hope these words could describe the situation in Malaya that time.

But after years of independence, I doubt do we achieve what I hope for...

Malaysia is a unique country. Tun Mahathir said, it is hard to be that peaceful in Malaysia, a multi-racial country. Even foreign countries wonder how we manage to do that, want to learn from us.

I do love Malaysia, seriously. But simply I do not like certain biases policies.

Last few months, I asked a friend of mine in UM, asking how's the Malays' mentality in UM. I feel pathetic after listening to what she said. She said, " the Malays here simply do not understand why chineses are fighting so much to enter university. Why study so hard in STPM? Why chinese do not just enter MATRIKULASI?"

I do not wish to blame Malays for this kind of mentality. Since we are young, we are being divided and conquered. The reason is as simple as that. I am glad I am in MMU. The Malays' mentality here is different. I do not know the reason, but simply it is different. Maybe because here we are more expose to the internet and we know more.

Without the mutual understanding, how we gonna achieve unity among Malaysian? Racist issue always played in controlling Malays by government. The facts to support this statement? FInd out in internet. One of it is May 13 incident. Double standard always practised in running government. 1 Malaysia is simply a slogan, which is used to increase the popularity of certain people. I doubt it can be carried out in a fair platform. Do we really enter an era which all three main races are treated fairly? I doubt that.

After the released of successful applicants of JPA scholarships, I felt disappointed again. Few CHINESE students who score straight A are not granted for the scholarship. What our minister promises us previously? ALL students with excellent result can get the scholarship. It is a hope for student, but simply ruined by the mechanism of picking the candidates. Until now, no one really know how the selections were done. Simply no transparency. Last things these chinese talents can do is, apply for foreign countries scholarships.

Do not blame those who going to Singapore to study, going foregin countries and not coming back to Malaysia. Do not blame them. For your information, the top 10 in my class during STPM, all went to Singapore to further their studies, except me. Brain Drain to Singapore.

Why this happen? Talents are not recognized in Malaysia. I should say, non-Malays talents. Thess incidents have been playing for a long long long time. Maybe this is only the small part where showed us government do not appreaciate us. Maybe govetrnment does appreciate us. Prove to me!!!

Malaysia is a unique country. I love being here. Full of natural resources, away of natural disasters. Consists of multi-racial people, friendly... These are the reasons I like Malaysia. But, I simply do not like those biases policies implemented. Scrap them off.

If I am detained by posting this, I wish to say, we do not have the speech freedom in Malaysia. All sayings which oppose the government are illegal. In a democratic country, this is our human right. Can you imagine this??

Haha.. But I doubt I will be detained. Simply because I am just a normal undergraduate, who are not influencial and powerful.

Disappointed..... Black Malaysia...

Correct me if I am wrong.


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